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AH Lijstje
Stap 1 – maak een boodschappenlijst in excel: Stap 2 – Sla deze op Stap 3 – Maak een nieuwe e-mail Stap 4 – Voeg het excel bestand toe als bijlage Stap 5 – Kies bijvoegen als kopie Stap 6 – Verstuur
Keeping raspberry pi pihole up to date
After installing pihole, don’t forget to add a cronjob to update it regularly. I did so with a crontab entry: pi@raspberry$ sudo bash root@raspberry$ crontab -e Add a line: 30 1 * * * pihole -up This will update your pihole installation every day at 1:30
Unifi controller on Synology NAS
There are some tutorials out there to install the Unifi controller software on your synology NAS. I ran into some pitfalls, so here’s some notes that may help you out: Pull jacobalberty/unifi:latest (not sure how trustworthy it is, but it looks legit). Create a folder on your nas to store configs/data. I chose /docker/unifi When… Continue reading Unifi controller on Synology NAS
Dns issue with wordpress on a synology
Some random tip I ran into: wordpress pokes itself (curl?) for updates and management tasks, so it requires to be able to find itself through your public url. My NAS hosts wordpress inside a docker container through a reverse proxy, and inside the docker container it must resolve the public hostname ( to my internal… Continue reading Dns issue with wordpress on a synology
An inspiring view from my window
Painting – Uniform color schemes
A short post, so far I’ve been using pretty much the exact same color scheme for all my new infinity terrain. While perhaps a bit dull, it does really pull everything together quite nicely. The only major thing I’m considering is add a few vertical (red?) bands on the higher buildings. Also apparently Micro Art… Continue reading Painting – Uniform color schemes
Statistics – When to stop
A colleague of mine had an interesting problem. He was trying to calculate fill rates for tables in a database, but the only way to access the records was one-by-one. Given that it was a pretty large database, getting the fill rates was quite slow. Because the fill-rates are only displayed with three digit precision in his… Continue reading Statistics – When to stop
Biometrics – Database sizes, scenarios and thresholds
There are many possible operational scenarios where biometrics are involved. In this power I will attempt to give some ingith in the possible scenarios and the effect on the type of biometrics required and the associated settings and procedures. The most practival use of this post is to use it as a reference for determining… Continue reading Biometrics – Database sizes, scenarios and thresholds