Zombicide – Painting the little monsters

WP_20150413_004For my birthday last month my friends got me a copy of zombicide: prison break. I missed the kickstarter, so quite happy with it. So far I’ve played 3 games, all wins, yay survivors. This is also an excellent opportunity to relive my speed-painting-glory-days, no one likes neatly painted zombies.

The scheme I came up with so far:

1. Spraypaint bone white (the army painter)

2. Paint all clothing with a single layer of vallejo game color, not too dark or bright

3. Paint all skin with slightly watered down brown ink (vallejo again).

4. Paint the base gray.

This works reasonably fast, I have painted almost all zombies in little over a week, and should be finished by the end of the month.

Categorized as hobby

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