Like many other miniature wargamers, priming follows the same procedure. Find a relatively large box, put miniatures in box. Spray paint from 1 direction, wait, turn miniatures around, spray paint, wait, turn etc etc. Last night I recalled a tip from a white dwarf from ages ago. They were using a ‘primer stick’. Basically a stick… Continue reading Painting – Quick Tip for Priming Miniatures
Month: May 2015
Zombicide – Survivors, getting started
Of course the poor survivors need some paint as well. I have decided to go for the 1 mini, 1 evening approach, which gives me about 2 hours per mini. Start with a very clean basecoat of colors that exactly follow the image on the zombicide site. Add a very very thin brown wash at… Continue reading Zombicide – Survivors, getting started
Zombicide – The Horde Is Complete
Within a month of them invading my home, the little critters have been painted. Quite an impressive horde if I say so myself. I could still spend some time adding some zombie-gore, but let’s first get started on the survivors. They look a bit lame without paint.