Like many other miniature wargamers, priming follows the same procedure. Find a relatively large box, put miniatures in box. Spray paint from 1 direction, wait, turn miniatures around, spray paint, wait, turn etc etc. Last night I recalled a tip from a white dwarf from ages ago. They were using a ‘primer stick’. Basically a stick… Continue reading Painting – Quick Tip for Priming Miniatures
Author: Evert
Zombicide – Survivors, getting started
Of course the poor survivors need some paint as well. I have decided to go for the 1 mini, 1 evening approach, which gives me about 2 hours per mini. Start with a very clean basecoat of colors that exactly follow the image on the zombicide site. Add a very very thin brown wash at… Continue reading Zombicide – Survivors, getting started
Zombicide – The Horde Is Complete
Within a month of them invading my home, the little critters have been painted. Quite an impressive horde if I say so myself. I could still spend some time adding some zombie-gore, but let’s first get started on the survivors. They look a bit lame without paint.
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Painting – Slowly Building A City
After almost 20 years of playing wargames on grasslands filled with random ruins, I decided to get me something completely different. The infinity universe looked pretty neat, especially because the parent company (Corvus Belli) has made agreements with various other vendors that allow them to create matching scenery. This provides a much richer ecosystem in… Continue reading Painting – Slowly Building A City
Achievement Unlocked!
Part of being a software developer is having tons of small side projects, either at home or at work. Most of them die a lonely death, but some are an unexpected success. One such success was a small tool I built over the course of 3 evenings. It hooks into the gamification hype, and doesn’t… Continue reading Achievement Unlocked!
The Joys of Open Source
On the job we use a large mixture of technologies, from open source javascript libraries found on github to expensive professional development IDEs like Microsoft Visual Studio. In the past (little over a year ago), all our builds were done through custom build scripts, we used ant here and there but most of the plumbing… Continue reading The Joys of Open Source
Little Miss Frankenstein
Being the father of a cute 1-year old daughter I have a weak spot for comics about little girls, add some monsters to the mix and finish it off with a pretty decent art-style and you get ‘Victoria Jr.’. Accidentally bumped into this on kickstarter and it looks pretty cool. Can’t wait to see the… Continue reading Little Miss Frankenstein
Painting – The joys of light
After years of only painting on Sunday afternoons (because that’s the only time the sun shines, I’m not at work and don’t have to shop for groceries), I decided to get myself a daylight lamp. Boy, what a joy it is. Being mildly color-blind, I can usually hardly distinguish brown from green in the evenings,… Continue reading Painting – The joys of light
Zombicide – Painting the little monsters
For my birthday last month my friends got me a copy of zombicide: prison break. I missed the kickstarter, so quite happy with it. So far I’ve played 3 games, all wins, yay survivors. This is also an excellent opportunity to relive my speed-painting-glory-days, no one likes neatly painted zombies. The scheme I came up… Continue reading Zombicide – Painting the little monsters